
What are the primary differences between Student Temporary Wage and Federal Work Study positions?

Student temporary wage positions differ from those associated with the Federal Work Study program in the following ways:

  • Student temporary wage positions are open to any interested, and currently enrolled, UNC Charlotte student;
  • There are no financial eligibility requirements which must be met to obtain a student temporary wage position
  • Student temporary wage positions are funded exclusively from departmental financial resources (operating budget, grants, receipts, student activity fees, etc.);
  • To hire a STW student, complete the EPAF through Banner Self Service.
  • Federal Work Study positions are only open to those students who have financial need as determined by their FAFSA and have been awarded funds by the Financial Aid Office.
  • Since the position is federally funded, the students’ pay does not come from departmental resources.
  • All Federal Work Study students must complete the online FWS Orientation prior to their being hired.  The orientation link is found in their Canvas Assignments.
  • Both STW and FWS new hire students must complete the I9 Hiring Information prior to their first day of employment. After completing the I9 information online and printing off the required information, the student will need to go to HR with the required original documents.  For example: an (unexpired US Passport OR Driver’s License/Military ID) AND either a Social Security Card or birth certificate.
How long does it take for a job posting to be approved?

Your posting will be approved within 1-2 business days.

Hire-A-Niner (On Campus Employer Questions)

Can I allow other people to view the resumes I receive?
  • Yes, you can add additional email addresses to receive resumes when students apply.
  • If you select e-mail as the resume submission method, you may specify multiple addresses. Otherwise, you will need to forward the final resume packet to other people who need access.
How do I get access to Hire-A-Niner?

Go to the Hire-A-Niner website, then select “Employers” to get started creating your account. This account is NOT linked to your NinerNet credentials.

How do I remove a job posting?

The job will expire at the end of its posting term (default of 90 days maximum or date you specify), or you may withdraw the job. Be aware that you will lose access to all applicants after the job is withdrawn or 5 days after the job expires naturally.

I don’t see the option to post a job when I log in as faculty. Where is the button?
  • For the purpose of on-campus employment, you are considered an employer and therefore will need to select the “employer” option to create an account. Allow 48 hours for approval.
  • The faculty view will allow you to look at all of the student opportunities in Hire-A-Niner or external employers that you may wish to invite to your classroom.
Is Hire-A-Niner the only option for hiring students?

Yes, if you are posting an on-campus position. NinerTalent no longer supports student jobs. 

If you have outside employers who post internships, which are designed for academic credit, you can encourage them to post the position in Hire-A-Niner for the purpose of student safety and position vetting.

Is there a general pool of student applicants available for me to choose from?

There is no pool in Hire-A-Niner because each position is associated with a contact and on-campus employer. This is done to more closely replicate the real-world process that students will utilize after they graduate.

I’ve hired a work-study student. Now what?

Follow the FWS Hiring checklist on this page.

Hire-A-Niner (Student Questions)

How do I know my resume has been approved?

You will receive an email that will give you the status of your document and any details that were entered by the reviewer. In the event you do not receive an email within 3 days, you can log in to Hire-A-Niner and check the document status on the ‘Documents’ tab.

I was accepted for admission. When can I apply for jobs?

Admitted students gain access to Hire-A-Niner shortly after the admissions decision is received, however it takes a minimum of 2 business days for us to receive the information and may take an additional 3 days for your account to be activated.

I’m a junior (and have 59 credit hours), but Hire-A-Niner says I’m a sophomore, can you fix it?

No. All records are imported from Banner and we strictly adhere to those guidelines for class level determinations.

My resume was not approved. How do I know what needs to be fixed on my resume?

The reasons for non-approval will be described in the e-mail containing the document status. If you have further questions, come in for a resume review during drop-in hours.

What are the other documents needed?

Other documents may include supplemental applications or portfolios. See the job description for details of what documents may be needed.

When will I hear back from the on-campus employer?

It is up to the on-campus department to determine their application review timeline and some departments may not contact students that they decide to not hire.

Why can I not apply for this job? What does it mean I “don’t qualify?”
  • All students must have a resume on file before applying to any position in Hire-A-Niner. Need help with your resume? Stop by the University Career Center during our drop-in hours for live assistance. 
  • Other factors, such as Federal Work Study status, class level or major may impact your eligibility. Take a look at the right side panel for a description of why you don’t qualify. 
  • Some positions require “other” additional documents, such as a writing sample, unofficial transcript or supplemental application form.

Federal Work Study

Federal Work-study Overview
  • Federal Work Study is a federally funded, need-based, financial assistance program administered by the Office of Financial Aid. This program provides eligible participants (undergraduate and graduate students) with employment opportunities in which to earn funds to help with educational expenses.
  • There are several distinct advantages associated with program participation:
    • Federal Work Study positions are only open to those students who have financial need and have been awarded funds by the Financial Aid Office.  Since the position is federally funded, the student’s wage will not impact departmental finances.
    • The vast majority of work-study positions are conveniently located on-campus. However, the program also offers an off campus community service-oriented employment with America Reads.
Can a student be paid federal work-study funds during the summer?

Summer is a different award period. Currently, very few FWS funds are available during the summer sessions. A student’s unused spring award cannot be used beyond the Thursday of the second week in May.

What is the last day a FWS student employee can work?

Federal work-study students can work until 1) the funds are exhausted or 2) until Thursday of the second week in May.  Keep in mind that you can continue the student’s employment, but pay their salary out of your department’s finances on STW, and complete an EPAF.

How can I verify if a student has a Federal Work Study award?
  • Federal Work Study (FWS) positions are only available to students if they have been awarded and accepted FWS aid in their financial aid award package.
  • Returning students will have their FWS Eligibility Confirmation emailed to them once they accept their FWS award in Banner Self Service.
  • After new students have completed their hiring paperwork and orientation, they will receive 2 email confirmations:  1) I-9 email Verification from Human Resources and 2) FWS Eligibility Confirmation from the Financial Aid Office
  • When a student logs in to Hire-A-Niner, they will not be able to apply for FWS jobs unless they are eligible.
  • If you want to confirm whether a student has FWS, you may contact Amber Branton, adinger@uncc.edu, or 704-687-5903
How do students get their Federal Work Study Appointment Form?
  • Returning Federal Work Study Students will have their FWS Eligibility Confirmation emailed to them once they accept their FWS award in their financial aid package.
  • Returning students are not required to complete the online orientation.
  • Once a new FWS student employee has received an offer of employment, they must follow the steps on this next steps page.
  • New students will receive 2 email confirmations:  I-9 Email Verification from Human Resources & FWS Eligibility Confirmation from the Financial Aid Office.
Does completing the FAFSA guarantee eligibility in the program?

No. International Students are not eligible for Federal Work Study Funding and are unable to work a Federal Work Study job. Only domestic and permanent resident students who have been formally awarded and accepted Federal Work Study through the Financial Aid office and have secured a job on campus should apply for FWS jobs.

What form do I complete to hire a FWS student employee?

View this page for a complete hiring checklist for Federal Work-Study employment.

What do students need to do prior to their first day of employment?

Ensure student completes these steps:

  • Returning student employees | Pick up reappointment form from the front desk of the Office of Financial Aid (Reese first floor)
  • New student employees | Students need to do the following:
    • Complete online orientation via Canvas
    • Print and complete the hiring packet. The link to the packet is provided at the end of their online orientation session.
    • Bring completed hiring packet and original I-9 documents to the Student Employment Office (King 222). **Please allow at least 2 business days after completing online orientation before bringing hiring packet and original I-9 documents to the Student Employment Office.
    • The Student Employment Office will give student an appointment form and a yellow I-9 verification card.
  • Complete the bottom section of the appointment form and keep a copy of the yellow card for the student’s record
  • Student submits the completed appointment form to the Student Employment Office (King 222) | Students cannot begin working until they have submitted all required documents.
  • Student begins working and keeps track of hours in Web Time Entry.
How do I give my FWS student a raise?
  • You can give the student a raise year when you complete the Federal Work Study Appointment Form.  However, if the student’s competencies/responsibilities change mid-term, complete the Federal Work Study Change Memo Form. Submit the form to the Student Employment Office by the 30th of the month for the raise to take effect on the following month’s payroll. All pay raises take effect on the first day of the pay period.
  • Review this page for sample pay rates.
How do I advertise my position?

Follow these steps to post your job:

  • If you are not a current user of Hire-A-Niner, and are interested in posting any student employment position for the 2022-2023, you will need to create an account in Hire-A-Niner.  
  • To do so, go to hireaniner.uncc.edu, click on the EMPLOYER tab, and create a new username and password (this is not connected with your NinerNET password).
  • Once you submit your employer account information, your account will be reviewed. You will receive an email notification once your account is approved.
  • Postings for 2022-2023 can be listed any time on/after June 1 and will remain “live” for 3 months.
  • All postings require a job description and salary. View sample templates here.

Student Temporary Wage

How much can a student earn as a Student Temporary Wage employee?

Student temporary wage employees will not be paid less than the current Federal Minimum Wage rate of $7.25 per hour and may be compensated at a higher rate depending upon criteria such as: the skills and/or responsibilities required of the position; prior experience; year in school etc.

How many hours can a student work each week?
  • During the academic year and the summer while they are attending classes, students are allowed to work up to twenty (20) hours in any given week.  If the student has more than one job on campus, the combination of hours per week cannot exceed 20. 
  • However, during the summer, if the student is not enrolled in summer courses but attended classes the prior spring and is registered for the fall, they can be employed up to 40 hours.  Students who work 30 or more hours per week for 12 or more weeks have to be offered health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act and if they choose to accept it, there is a monthly premium charge to the department and to the student.  If you have a student employed during the summer working 30 or more hours a week for at least 12 weeks, an exception form is required for their employment.  Please contact Teresa Shook if this is the case.  Students taking 1 class during the summer can work up to 30 hours per week; students taking 2 classes can work up to 20 hours per week.
What is the last day a departmental STW student employee can work?

Departmental student employees can work for as long as the submitted EPAF indicates. To extend the payroll period, a new EPAF must be submitted.

Are incoming first year students eligible for student employment during the summer before fall enrollment?


Is a recently graduated student eligible to work as a student employee during the summer?

No. Upon graduation, he/she is no longer a student. Arrangements for jobs are made through Human Resources and they can be hired as a non-student temporary employee.

Are there a minimal number of hours a student must take for employment eligibility?

No. If a student is considered a “degree-seeking” student and enrolled in one class for credit, he/she is eligible for STW student employment.

How does the student receive their paycheck?
  • STW and FWS students must sign up for Direct Deposit via My UNC Charlotte.
    • Log in to my.uncc.edu using your NinerNET username and password
    • Click the direct deposit message in the My Student Account block. (If not shown, click Banner Self-Service>Student Services/Student Accounts>Student Accounts/Payments)
    • Click Direct Deposit Enrollment and Changes
    • Read and click the Continue button to agree to terms and conditions
    • Verify your identity by selecting a delivery method (either your cell phone or personal non-uncc email address) and click Send.
    • Enter the Identification Code you received via Phone/Email in the text box provided and select the Continue button.
    • Follow the instructions on the enrollment and change screen to add your bank account information (or edit the existing bank account information).
    • Select Add Account button to complete enrollment or the Save Changes button to update existing bank account information.
    • Select the Exit option toward the top left of the screen.
Are Student Temporary Wage employees eligible to receive benefits?

No. Student employees (of any type) – Federal Work Study, Graduate Assistants, Student Temporary Wage – are ineligible to receive paid vacation, sick, or holiday leave, as well as, paid medical and/or dental insurance.

Can a Federal Work Study student also be a Student Temporary Wage employee?

Yes – but only if the total hours worked (combined between both positions) do not exceed twenty-nine (29) hours in any given week. The student employee is responsible for ensuring strict adherence to this requirement.

Why isn’t my student employee on my Banner Time Entry/Web Entry?
  • The EPAF for a STW departmental student employee and the Federal Work Study Appointment Form must be submitted to the Student Employment Office by the 30th of the month for the following month’s payroll.
  • If the student does not appear on the Banner Time Entry, contact the Student Employment Office. 
  • If the Student Employment Office has the proper forms and I-9 information, then in order for the student to be paid, the student will have to complete, obtain supervisor signature, and submit a paper time sheet to the Payroll Office, 3rd floor Reese.
How do I give my STW student a raise?
  • Complete the Banner EPAF indicating the beginning date the raise is to take effect. Submit to the Student Employment Office by the 30th of the month for the raise to take effect on the following month’s payroll. 
  • The Student Employment Office has to approve the increase.
When will a STW employee be paid?

Student Temporary Staff employees are paid an hourly rate and record time on an electronic timesheet called Web Time Entry. Hourly employees are paid bi-weekly (Fridays).  The work week runs from Sunday through Saturday and employees are to record their hours every day they work.  See Web Time Entry User’s Guide

Forms & Time Sheets

Temporary and Student Employment Forms